Rushing to the Point

I’ll start with Rush Limbaugh because his show, both TV and radio, was always on in the house when I was growing up. While my parents may have thought that his political view would have influenced mine, it has not, and thus, I still have some strong feelings about him. They’re disappointed… but I digress. I find it interesting that he has such a following and audience but no journalism skills. People who listen to him think him to be an arm of the media, but in actuality, he is a college drop out. He’s not a reporter for Fox News, and he’s not a particularly good writer. He is entertaining- to some. His opinion and viewpoint should be granted the same credit as any celebrity with an endorsement and small speech to make. However, I want to focus on one specific topic and how it is handled by Limbaugh, Fox News, and CNN (for comparison sake).

CNN commentator, Steve Clemmons, spoke on the rumored or potential appointment of Clinton to Secretary of State. Clinton has a stronger reputation in foreign policy and was thought of favorably by Israel:

Interestingly, when Obama and Clinton were battling each other in a neck and neck race, Israeli public opinion polls showed huge support for Clinton, followed by John McCain, with Obama in a distant third. Why? Because many Israelis, rightly or wrongly, thought Clinton would be coercive with Iran and would hug Israel closely at the expense of other Middle East Arab interests — and Obama would not.

Clemmons also points out the other two glaringly obvious points about Clinton’s potential appointment: he would be keeping his enemy close and taking her out of the running for 2012.

Fox News makes these points and adds an additional mark against Obama’s possible choice. They state that appointing Clinton negates his mantra of coming change:

Admittedly, there is a need for proven producers to manage the new administration. Obama’s inexperience was overshadowed in the final months of the campaign by the even weaker credentials of Gov. Sarah Palin. Her shortcomings, though, do not lessen his. So, it is reasonable to look at seasoned Democrats to fill significant posts. Still, there must be a few out there who did not serve in the Clinton White House and who could provide just a soupcon of the change that voters signed up for.

Ultimately the Fox writer says the Obama could create havoc by giving his opponent so much power in the cabinet. And, he also theorizes that his doing so could demonstrate payback to Clinton supporters who ultimately helped him win the election.

Now, that brings me back to Rush. I can understand Fox putting a negative spin on Obama offering a position of power to his democratic rival. Fox is going to look at nearly everything Obama does through a different lens. And, they will be quick to point out that he is back peddling on his promise of change. However, Limbaugh went several steps further and made it about gender. He like Fox and even CNN made the point that her being in the position takes her out of the running for 2012. I cannot begrudge Obama on that one. But Limbaugh puts it in such a way as if he is further supporting the glass ceiling. Despite the fact that one has nothing to do with the other, he compared it to Obama sending his wife and kids backstage before finishing his acceptance speech. Taking Clinton out of the running for 2012 is akin to him putting the woman in her place. Limbaugh was the only one to make it about gender. He also asserted that she would not pass the intense questionnaire and essentially was not qualified. Palin, of course, was overwhelmingly qualified.

One last thing about Limbaugh, his “media” website is rather exclusive. One cannot access archives or many articles of interest without becoming a Rush 24/7 member. Not even Fox News requires a viewer’s email to read their news.  His website looks more like joining a club as opposed to subscribing to the news.

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