They Still Love Her

Slowly and gradually Palin has been sliding toward the back burner in some of the major media outlets as the more newsworthy topic has become Obama’s picks or rather his anticipated picks for cabinet.  However, some sources still love her and write about her present and future.  The Washington Times for example still cannot get enough of her star power:

ANCHORAGE, Alaska | Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin is juggling offers to write books, appear in films and sit on dozens of interview couches at a rate astonishing for most Hollywood stars, let alone a first-term governor.

Oprah Winfrey wants her. So do David Letterman and Jay Leno

Who doesn’t want her?  Rush Limbaugh has her all over his website.  The conservative movement is still clinging to her because of her potential to inject life into their dying party.  It’s a shame that they feel this rests on her shoulders.

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