The Young Voter’s Connectivity

Blogs, You Tube, Face book, and stories that immediately appear on news websites have all changed the way younger voters view the election and politics. In this election, voters under the age of 30 accounted for 66% of the democratic vote. The gap between the parties has widened as more and more young voters have leaned toward the left.

Young voters are more diverse racially and ethnically than older voters and more secular in their religious orientation. These characteristics, as well as the climate in which they have come of age politically, incline them not only toward Democratic Party affiliation but also toward greater support of activist government, greater opposition to the war in Iraq, less social conservatism, and a greater willingness to describe themselves as liberal politically.

Voters under 30 are more inclined to utilize the more technological and readily available resources. I personally view the CNN website far more than I watch the channel. The computer is something that younger people spend their entire day around. They typically work all day on a computer and then come home to their laptops or desktops. If not around a computer, we carry a Blackberry, Palm, or some other device that can immediately link a person to any news source. The constantly evolving technology and speed of information has brought the world of politics to the younger voter and made it more interesting and accessible. People under 30 are becoming more informed. Some stories find more popularity in the blogosphere than on network television. Those stories are fueled by the ongoing interest in the population who remain linked in. An example of one story that receives very little attention in the media outside of the internet is the lawsuit over Obama’s birth certificate. Blogs are keeping this story alive though in all likelihood it will lead nowhere. As a story, it does breed a great deal of opinions making people’s blogs more and more popular. The world of technological communication keeps itself alive in this way. As long as it remains the fastest and most accessible source, it will remain people’s main news source.

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