Archive for December 2008

Loving this

December 7, 2008

We have been discussing the media’s roller coaster ride with Palin’s accessibility and secrecy. As Palin would put it, she had become disenfranchised with gotcha journalism, the media twisting her words, and unfair questions. However, another possibility is that her handlers were doing everything in their power to keep her away from cameras and microphones. Here is just a brief reminder.

The reason I bring this back to the forefront is because she’s done it again. She snubbed Oprah. Has she never seen or read anything?? You just don’t lie to or snub Oprah. If this woman is going to attempt any career in politics, she has to learn to play with people who aren’t necessarily on her side.

There are just no words

December 6, 2008

I had to put this video up.  It’s like seeing something really disgusting on the ground and pointing it out to a friend, “eww look.”  Okay, I am being a little dramatic, but I have strong feelings about this video and I wanted to incite similar feelings in others.  He choses not to participate in the recession, was speaking in support of women when he said Hillary would get older and older before our eyes, loves Sarah Palin, and is a self-described fuzz ball.  I swear I didn’t make up that last one.


December 3, 2008

With our information coming at us from all directions faster than we can absorb, the present is really old news, the future is breaking news, and the past is, well, not considered relevant. Case in point, Obama has not even taken office, and 2012 is a hot blog and media topic. Since well before the primaries, Bush’s name faded into the void of unspoken things as America looked forward to a new president. I am guilty of this too; he who we shall not mention rarely crosses my mind anymore. Because we are nearing the end of the semester and the end of he who we shall not mention’s term (which was counted down on bumper stickers and widgets), I think now would be an appropriate time to look back on the last eight years.

I am prompted to write this by the ABC interview, which was full of quote pearls:

I don’t spend a lot of time really worrying about short-term history. I guess I don’t worry about long-term history, either, since I’m not going to be around to read it — (laughter) — but, look, in this job you just do what you can.

I was also intrigued by the Rove debate over how one should look at his presidency. The headline reads, Is Bush the Worst President in the Last 50 Years? The part that strikes me as enjoyable irony is that we assume he will at least fall into the top five, if not three. Him being among the worst is not up for debate; it’s how bad was he. In the article, Rove defends him by saying that we likely would not have gone to war if intelligence didn’t say Hussein had weapons of mass destruction. However, one blogger responds to Bush’s comment on the “intelligence failure” in Iraq saying that while he may want to lay the blame elsewhere, much of it rests with him:

The Bush Administration tried to make Americans think they were in imminent danger of attack from weapons of mass destruction from terrorists tied to those who attacked us on 9/11, not because we were but because they knew that was the most convincing case they could make, and because they thought it would be “better for American interests” in the long run to lie to the American people

The debate was ultimately inconclusive as far as his rank. However, the other two liberal journalists, brought up many other points as to why he should be considered one of the worst; one being “sacrificing the American unity after 9/11” and the overall economic situation. This sentence is one of my new favorites:

The liberals who argued that Bush was indeed the worst president, namely journalists Jacob Weisberg and Simon Jenkins, described the war as a protracted failure, a quagmire built on the lie of weapons of mass destruction, the execution of which alienated our allies and instilled an anti-American fervor in a new generation of young Muslims.

For the past few months, we’ve been so excited about Obama that we’ve happily forgotten Bush. Months and months may pass before comedians find something funny about Obama. This video should remind us of what we won’t be missing and provide the laughs we won’t get with Obama’s administration.